It’s the 12th September.
Will Apple share with us today what iPhone 5 and the new Retina MacBook 13′ are all about ..??
Apple will announce it beginning at 6pm (GMT), 7pm in The Netherlands, 2pm in Brazil.
Twitter is full of jockes about the new announcement and Stve Jobs holograms à la Star Wars movie.

Well, MacHeads all of the Globe can’t wait for iPhone to come out and play-by-play commentary as the event unfolds will be followed by millions of Twitters this evening. I’ll probably be one of those.. Hehehe

To be honest, I’m much more excited about the new Retina MacBook 13′ to be reveled..
.. and hoping for longer-better life for batteries in iPhones.

Want More..??
– Best places to sell an old iPhone, via

Ask Techland: Best Places to Sell an Old iPhone or Trade for Store Credit?

So far the best thing I read about the iPhone5 came via Twitter this morning:
“@funnyorfact: The iPhone 5 better be waterproof, fireproof, crack proof, dirt proof, bulletproof, and be able to charge itself and cook for me. #iPhone5”

I’d add one->;;; it better uncork bottles of wine as well 😉


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